Wednesday, July 16, 2008

IME Installation Guide for AP Chinese IBT Delivery

Microsoft Input Method Editor (IME) Installation Guide for AP Chinese & Japanese Internet-based Test (IBT) Delivery

AP Chinese Language and Culture
This exam will be an Internet-based test (iBT). During the exam, each student will work at an individual computer, which processes everything read, heard, written, or spoken by the student. That is, the student reads on the screen, listens through headphones, types using the keyboard, and speaks into a microphone. There is no paper component; although a student may use paper to take notes during the exam, the proctor will collect the notes at the end of the exam, and they will not be graded.

Friday, July 11, 2008

How to Read Chinese on the Net

How to Read Chinese on the Net

To read Chinese on the Net becomes quite easy now. We will discuss how to read Chinese on the Net using either Internet Explorer or Netscape.To view Chinese characters, you will need to have the Chinese encoding enabled for your browser. The browser may ask you to install the Chinese font if you have not done it yet. We use mainly the Chinese simplified font so you should download the simplified font.If you use Internet Explorer, follow the steps: View -> Encoding -> Chinese Simplified (or More -> Chinese Simplified). Please disable Auto-Select (View -> Encoding -> Auto-Select).If you use Netscape, follow the steps: View -> Character Coding -> Chinese Simplified (or More -> East Asian -> Chinese Simplified). Please set Auto-Detect to Chinese Simplified (View -> Character Coding -> Auto-Detect -> Simplified Chinese).If you have problems to download Chinese fonts, please use this link. Make sure to download Microsoft Global IME for Chinese (Simplified) - with Language Pack. Install it following the instructions from Microsoft. If you have Windows XP, you may download the Global IME here.Related Links:Chinese-English DictionaryRead Chinese on the Net II

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


口试时间:第一堂课 (Pass or Nopass)
a) 听写字词:皮肤 娶王后 企图 一幢房子 惊讶 老太婆 趁人不在家 脖子 喘气 王宫 震动 睁开眼睛 怒气冲冲 叫嚷着 同情 遭遇 八仙 祝寿 略带醉意 情绪 踏着海浪 稳稳 扇子 骑驴 饮酒作乐 扰乱 扭头 喷出 熊熊大火 举办 本来 本事 眼看 顿时 肩膀 眼圈 牙齿 肠胃 叉子 豺狗 吵闹 喜爱 格外 其他 有效 袭击 思索 无限 珍贵 乌黑 逮住 逃窜 剥树皮 精光 腿一蹬 平坦 增添 乐趣 拖地板 扫垃圾 拧干湿衣服 汤匙 悬挂 一串香蕉 蹲在地上 偏偏又够不着 叠起来 珍稀 减少 政策 签名 保护 宣言 权利 自由 禁止 捕杀 著名 使用 计划 究竟 制定 法律 旗帜 集美镇 腐败无能 贫穷落后 面貌 倡办 振兴 中央人民政府委员 主席 一亿美元 衬衫 裤子 逝世 纪念碑 家乡 强烈 陆续 批准 条件 庄严 主席 投入 大量 朴素 幽默 波涛 舵手言辞 蚊子 嗡嗡 尴尬 扶着 有趣 演讲 唯独 告诉 毫无表情 放弃 仍然 耳聋 诞生 驾驶 亲戚 登记 讨厌道歉 预先 才能 保证 宇宙 包括 欧洲 所谓 允许 裂缝 轨道 旋转 一旦 符合 治罪 观点 违反 推动 实践 枷锁 解放
b) 听写句:每篇课文挑选一句。
c) 造句
d) 词组填空
e) 阅读选择
f) 标点符号
e) Bonus Questions

Saturday, May 17, 2008

本周上课内容(This week's class content)

本周上课内容(This week's class content)
1。 会读会写本课的个生字和词语:
宇宙 包括 欧洲 所谓 允许 裂缝 轨道 旋转 一旦 符合 治罪 观点 违反 推动 实践 枷锁 解放
2。 会认读下列字:
3。 讲解本课的词语,学生能理解会用。
4。 流利地朗读课文。

本周家庭作业(This week's homework)
1。 朗读课文3遍(Read lesson 3 times)
2。 完成练习册11A本第7课的内容
(Finish 7A book page 58 to 77.
Due on 05/30/2008)
3。朗读阅读材料一遍,找出每段的中心句。(Read 《最后一次演出》one time)
4。300字左右作文各二篇 (Due 05/23/08):Your essays should include:
For Vegetables:
Which vegetables do you eat raw? cooked?
Which vegetables need to be in the refrigerator?
Which vegetables don't need to be in the refrigerator?

For Fruit:
Which fruits do you put in a fruit salad?
Which fruits are sold in your area in the summer?
What fruits did you have in your country?

1。 复习第7课《科学惊雷》
2。 小考
3. 总复习


Friday, April 4, 2008


(This week's class content)
1。 会读会写本课的个生字和词语:
拖地板 扫垃圾 拧干湿衣服 汤匙 悬挂 一串香蕉 蹲在地上 偏偏又够不着 叠起来 珍稀 减少 政策 签名 使用 计划 究竟 制定 法律
2。 会认读下列字:猩 津
3。 讲解本课的词语,学生能理解会用。
4。 流利地朗读课文。

(This week's homework)
1。 朗读课文3遍(Read lesson 3 times)
2。 完成练习册11B本第4课的内容
(Finish 11B book page 19 to 39.
Due on 04/19/2008)

3。朗读阅读材料一遍,找出每段的中心句。(Read 《青蛙演员和青蛙比赛》one time)
-在哪一届奥运会上,中国人获得了第一块金牌? 是什么项目?。。。

未来活动 (Future events)


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chinese Homework due on March 7th, 08

Please translate the following info into chinese, type it out, turn in on March 7th or email it to
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start
The first AP Chinese Language and Culture course was offered worldwide in the fall of 2006, followed by the exam in May of 2007.
The AP Chinese Exam assesses students' interpersonal communication skills, their abilities to present and interpret language in spoken and written forms, and their functional familiarity with Chinese culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

What level of Chinese language ability and what aspects of Chinese culture will be taught in the course and assessed in the exam?
--The AP Chinese Language and Culture course will be roughly equivalent to a 4th semester college course. The course and exam will incorporate Chinese cultural information within the teaching of reading, writing, and speaking the language. The specific aspects of Chinese culture to be included in the course will be posted here at a later date.

On which Chinese dialect is the AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam based?
--The AP Chinese Language and Culture course and examination is based on Mandarin/Putonghua Chinese.

What type of characters are used on the exam?
--The exam will provide its questions using both traditional and simplified characters, enabling students with knowledge of either type of characters to take the exam. Similarly, student responses using either set of characters will be accepted.

How can I find out if AP Chinese Language and Culture will be available in my high school?
--Please check with your Chinese teacher, your school's AP Coordinator, or principal/head of school to find out whether your school will implement the new AP Chinese Language and Culture course. If your teachers and school administrators are unaware of this new course, encourage them to visit AP Central for more information.

How is the AP Chinese exam scored?
--The AP Chinese Reader's scores on the essays and problem-solving questions are combined with the computer-scored multiple-choice questions, and the total raw scores will be converted to a composite score based on AP's 5-point scare:
5 (Extremely well qualified),
4 (Well qualified),
3 (Qualified),
2 (Possibly qualified),
and 1 (No recommendation).



The College Board Website

Since many parents have been asking about SAT tests and AP tests, here are some links that may help:

This link leads you to either information about the SAT Reasoning Test (SAT I) or the SAT Subject Tests (SAT II). The links may be found on the right of the page:
SAT Chinese Language and Culture Subject Test:

This link provides information about AP exams:
AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam Information:

Hope this helps!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


This Week 's Class Content and Homework
02/15/2008 to 02/29/2007
本周上课内容(This week's class content)
1。 会读会写本课的个生字和词语:
八仙 祝寿 略带醉意 情绪 踏着海浪 稳稳 扇子
骑驴 饮酒作乐 扰乱
扭头 喷出 熊熊大火

2。 会认读下列字:
韩湘子 曹国舅 拐杖 宝剑 海龟 仙笛 逞能

3。 讲解本课的词语,学生能理解会用。
4。 流利地朗读课文。
本周家庭作业(This week's homework)
1。 朗读课文3遍(Read lesson 3 times)
2。 完成练习册11B本第2课的内容(Finish 11 A book page 1 to 18.Skip No.6 on page. Due on 02/29/2008)

3。朗读阅读材料一遍,找出每段的中心句。(Read 《小人鱼》one time)

未来活动 (Future events)

Sunday, January 27, 2008



1。《贺新春》 常青谷伽南团契
A, B, C全部上场
(女生):鼠年吉祥 (男生):身体健康
(女生):生活美满 (男生):工作顺利
(女生):青春美丽 (男生):爱情甜蜜
(女生):幸福快乐 (男生):多拿红包
(女生):好好学习 (男生):天天向上

(Ch- Melody):舞蹈“贺新春”生动表现了人们在新年里载歌载舞欢庆节日的情景。请欣赏常青谷伽南团契献给大家这台洋溢着节日气氛的-“贺新春”!
(K-Miranda): 请欣赏常青谷伽南团契献给大家歌舞-“贺新春”!

2。快板 福恩华人基督教会 (牧师主持)

3。《妈妈的吻》(儿歌) 马安琪小朋友
(Ch- Matthew L): 下面请欣赏马安琪小朋友演唱的儿歌“妈妈的吻”!
(E- Tiffany):

4。《让我们荡起双桨》 (歌舞) 好邻居中文学校
(Ch-Melody): 我相信这一曲“妈妈的吻”深深地打动着在场的每一位妈妈。下面好邻居中文学校小朋友的歌舞《让我们荡起双桨》又将会把我们带回到美好的童年。
(K-Teddy): 请欣赏好邻居中文学校小朋友的歌舞《让我们荡起双桨》
(E-Matthew C.):

5。《牧羊女》 (歌舞) 常青中文学校 吴律小朋友
(Ch-Rachel): 牧羊女孩儿持长鞭,牵着小羊去放牧。下面请欣赏由常青中文学校吴律小朋友们为大家表演的精彩节目《牧羊女》
(K-Miranda): 下面请欣赏由常青中文学校吴律小朋友们为大家表演的精彩节目《牧羊女》
(E- Tiffany):

6。《纤夫的爱》 (二重唱) 常青谷:刘景红、汪上耀
(Ch-Wendy):妹妹你坐船头, 哥哥在岸上走, 恩恩爱爱, 纤绳荡悠悠.
(E-Bohan): 请欣赏, 男女生二重唱:纤夫的爱, 演唱者刘景红和汪上耀

7。《我的太阳》 (独唱) 汪上耀先生
(Ch-Wendy): 接下来, 请大家欣赏汪上耀先生独唱:我的太阳.

8。《梨园新韵》 (舞蹈) 常青谷小朋友
(Ch- Rachel): 现在请欣赏常青谷的梨园小弟子们为大家展现的《梨园新韵》
(E- Helen):

9。《房东与住客》 (话剧) 福恩华人基督教会(牧师主持)

10. 组舞、少林功夫 晨光中文学校
(Ch- Melody):踏着轻快的舞步,晨光中文学校的孩子们向您走来! 下面请欣赏组舞与少林功夫 !
(K- Teddy): 下面请欣赏晨光中文学校的组舞与少林功夫 !
(E-English, Matthew C.)


11. 圣诗大合唱 福恩华人基督教会 (牧师主持)

12。《彩扇》 (汉族舞) Parkside 中文学校
(Ch-Melody): 汉族民间的扇舞是传统喜庆节日中不可缺少的节目。今天,Parkside 中文学校的小朋友们将手持彩扇,舞出令人眼花缭乱,彩蝶纷呈的快乐彩扇舞。
(K-Teddy): 下面请欣赏由Parkside 中文学校小朋友们为大家表演的精彩节目《彩扇》(E-Matthew C.):

13。A。《康定情歌》 (合唱) 常青谷老人合唱团
(Ch-Helen): 下面请欣赏由常青谷老人合唱团为大家演唱的《康定情歌》
13. B。《同一个世界,同一个梦》 (合唱) 常青谷老人合唱团
(Ch-Helen): 奥运的圣火在东方点燃,带给世界昼夜光明。同一个世界,同一个梦。 (Ch-Tiffany): 我们生活在同一片蓝天下,手拉手,肩并肩,实现2008年奥林匹克梦。
(Ch-Helen):下面请欣赏由常青谷老人合唱团为大家演唱的《同一个世界,同一个梦》 (E-Wendy):

14。 爵士舞:(歌舞) 常青谷小朋友
(Ch- Matthew L): 请欣赏由常青谷小朋友小朋友表演的爵士舞
(E- Tiffany):

15。 《Titanic》 主题曲 常青中文学校 刘丽亚(钢琴伴奏)吴悠
(E-Bohan): "My Heart Will Go On"

16。儿童Gymnastics & Hip-Hop 爱搏学堂
(Ch-Melody): 请欣赏由爱搏学堂多才多艺的小朋友们在短短的两周之内自编自导的Gymnastics & Hip-Hop
(K-Teddy):请欣赏由Aborn School小朋友们为大家表演精彩节目Gymnastics & Hip-Hop.
(E-Matthew C.):

17。 《借耳朵》(讲故事表演) 好邻居中文学校
(Ch-Wendy): 请欣赏由好邻居中文学校小朋友表演的节目《借耳朵》
(E- Tiffany):

18。 《跳动的节奏》(爱尔兰舞蹈)常青谷小朋友
(Ch-Helen): 请欣赏由常青谷小朋友小朋友表演的爱尔兰舞蹈《跳动的节奏》
(E- Matthew L):

19。 《野地的花》 (歌舞) 常青谷姐妹
(Ch -Helen): 请欣赏由常青谷姐妹表演的歌舞《野地的花》
(E-Matthew C.):

20。《中国风》(撇扇) 常青谷小朋友
(Ch-Rachel): 扇子是汉族民间舞的主要道具之一,下面这个舞蹈是一个围绕扇子的各种动作而创作的民间舞蹈。请欣赏常青谷小朋友为大家表演的《中国风--撇扇》。

21。 《明天会更好》 (合唱) Parkside 中文学校
(Ch- Rachel): 轻轻敲醒沉睡的心灵慢慢张开你的眼睛, 看那忙碌的世界是否依然孤独地转个不停。。。请欣赏Parkside 中文学校小朋友的合唱《明天会更好》!
(K-Miranda): 请欣赏Parkside 中文学校小朋友的合唱《明天会更好》!
(E-Matthew C.):

C, B, A 全部上场同唱, 结束


The Point is giving us a last-minute rehearsal period before the festival!

1) It will be on Friday, Feb.8, from 7:00-9:00PM. Chinese class will be at The Point (3695 Rose Terrasse Circle, SJ, 95148).
2) Please go directly to The Point on Friday; we will not be meeting at EV Chinese School.
3) At the rehearsal, please bring all of the clothes you will be wearing at the festival.
a1) Preferably, girls should wear a knee-length or longer 旗袍 (Chinese traditional dress) before intermission
a2) and a knee-length or longer Western dress after intermission.
a3) Girls should tie their hair up in a bun (eg. ballerina-style)
b) Boys should wear a suit with a tie.
4) Students who do not host the Chinese festival are expected to write a 200-word Chinese essay and later give a speech in class about their favorite performance at any Chinese Spring Festival celebration.
Thanks for your cooperation!